I began my career as matchmaker in 1989, before the advent of the internet and proliferation of online dating.
I was trained as an attorney and I continue to have a passion for bringing people together. These two qualities combine to make me a genuine advocate for people seeking a happy, committed relationship.
I began by building a network of desirable single professionals, making successful matches among my original ‘charter members’ and observing what worked and what didn’t. My company has been built on deep personal relationships with my members, as well as an evolving pool of contacts and affiliates, in the Washington/Baltimore area and beyond.
As a result of the positive results I began to achieve, I conducted workshops and presented lectures to various singles’ groups to educate attendees on ways to maximize their success. I was also fortunate to have been featured in various newspaper and magazine articles, as well as on Public Television and National Public Radio.
Ironically, it was while enjoying this success as a matchmaker, that I had to come to terms with my own troubled marriage. After trying for years, with the support of several couples’ therapists, to repair and salvage my marriage of ten years, it sadly ended in separation and divorce. At that time, I instituted a policy of not dating anyone I worked with professionally, and vice versa. As a single Mom of two children, one with special needs, I came to learn personally what my best clients already understood: how hard it can be to even start the process of looking for an eligible partner.
The advent of online dating shook up the matchmaking industry and compromised my business to the extent that I decided to resume the practice of law, while continuing my matchmaking practice on a smaller scale. In keeping with my passion to help those in need, I developed a practice in Family Law, representing children in the abuse and neglect system in DC Court. After several years, I joined the government as an Assistant Attorney General in the Child Protection Division of the Attorney General of DC and remained there for the next twelve years. This experience honed my skills as an advocate, and in so doing, resulted in improved outcomes for my matchmaking clients as well. In 2015, I left the practice of law to focus exclusively on my matchmaking practice, cultivating a specialty in the ‘Baby Boomer’ demographic.
Online dating sites and the like still attract thousands of logins every year. But many of their “members” have found shopping for love online to be less than satisfying. There is a place in this wired world for a trusted friend and advocate to help.
I learned that for myself in 2012, when mutual friends introduced me to Jim, who had been widowed six years earlier. They saw qualities in us that would make us compatible, which we surprisingly recognized in each other once we met. Knowing that we were on solid ground from the beginning made it much easier for us to relax and get to know one another. Once the chemistry kicked in, we were on our way! We dated for about a year, got engaged in April, 2013, and were married six months later, on October 12, 2013.