Matchmaking Magic

Maggie is an impressive woman in her early sixties who had been through a divorce three years earlier.

By the time her divorce had been finalized, she had let go of her anger towards her former husband, whom she had left, and was ready to move on. Six months later, she met Sam through online dating. He was a few years younger, had never been married, and had a sixteen-year-old daughter. Despite their differences in education and professional standing, she being the more successful of the two, their chemistry was powerful.

Maggie enjoyed rediscovering her sexuality in this new relationship but realized over time that while Sam could fulfill her physical needs, he couldn’t be counted on for long-term commitment or permanency. This came as a huge disappointment to her since she was hoping to find her future partner in him, despite the compromises she was willing to make by accepting their financial and professional imbalance.

Her friends told her that she deserved so much better. She knew that they were right, and wisely found a talented therapist, who, over time, helped her realize her value and encouraged her to aim higher in a partner.

Maggie consulted with me about a year after beginning her therapy. I listened to her story and immediately saw how heart she was capable of bringing to a relationship, in addition to her beauty, charisma, and intelligence.

My instincts immediately brought Adam to mind. Adam was a handsome sixty-seven-year-old physician who had lost his wife of forty years a year before seeking my services. He was referred to me by a colleague who knew of my specialty in the fifty+ demographic.

When I interviewed Adam, I wondered whether it wasn’t too soon for him to move forward; after all, it had only been a year since he had lost his wife. However, his goodness and sincerity became apparent to me, as he explained that he had done most of his grieving during the last stages of his wife’s illness. In fact, his late wife had even told him that she was hoping he would find love again after she was gone. He felt ready and eagerly invested in my services.

Because Maggie and Adam had had such different journeys before coming to me, I was careful to frame the introduction, giving each of them a context to understand the other’s needs. Despite their different histories, their goals were beautifully aligned with one another. Adam had experienced a long and happy marriage and was hoping to find that kind of love again. Maggie had experienced intense love in the early days of her marriage, but over time, they had drifted apart, and she was eager to recapture the magic of those early days.

As new members in my service, this was the first introduction for both of them. Sure enough, they hit it off immediately. Adam thought that she was even prettier in person and quickly warmed to her spirit, intelligence and humor. Maggie felt truly seen by a man for the very first time in decades and was not only physically attracted to Adam, but felt a sense of peace and comfort in his presence that helped her relax and be her best self.

It didn’t take long for them to fall in love and decide that they couldn’t be apart from one another.

They each sold their respective homes and bought a new property together, with sufficient room for their adult children to visit. They have exchanged rings and feel utterly committed to each other and thrilled to have found a new chance at love in their sixties.